*We custom-make a full range of stainless steel furniture and equipment for different sections of food.
*Contact us for a no obligation consultation.
*We can analyze your needs and help you find the best solution.
Tools and maintance · All tools and maintance
Cart racks
PVC buckets for ice
Plastic containers
Plastic shovels, scoopers and crushers
Rotating tray
Hooks and supports
Knives and blocks
*We custom-make a full range of stainless steel tools for all sections of supermarket products.
*Contact us for a no obligation consultation.
*We can analyze your needs and help you find the best solution.
Hygiene and disinfection · All hygiene and disinfection
Knife sterilizers
Bag and glove dispensers
Apron washer
Apron dryer
Roll holder
Garbage cans
*We custom-make a wide variety of stainless steel parts and equipment for supermarket hygiene and disinfection.
*Contact us for a no obligation consultation.
*We can analyze your needs and help you find the best solution.
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